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Code of Ethics



This "Code of Ethics" provides a common set of values upon which members build their professional, educational, training and scientific work and in accordance with the way they provide such services to members and non-members. The code is intended to provide the guiding principles to cover situations that may be encountered by members, customers, clients and/or patients. It has as its primary goal the welfare and protection of the individuals and groups with whom members work. Members aspire to the highest possible standards of conduct, respect and protection of human and civil rights.

Code Of Ethics Rules For Members: Regarding Client/Customer Services


Members shall maintain the highest standards of competence in their work. Members shall provide only those services and use only those techniques for which they are qualified by education, training and experience and will provide a service to clients only in those areas in which they have trained and have demonstrated competence. They shall maintain knowledge of relevant scientific and professional information related to hypnosis/hypnotherapy (and related modalities) and participate in the required levels of continuing education as provided separately from this document by the Association, and to keep up-to-date with innovations in their field. This may be through, on site classroom training, online, or through approved CDs, DVDs etc. A list of approved materials is available through the Association.

Members will either decline servicing a client that involve areas where the member does not have adequate training for any given topic or the member can elect to refer a client on to another more suitable practitioner who is trained in that topic and who would reasonably be expected to offer suitable service (whether or not that practitioner be a member of the Association).


Members shall display integrity in the teaching and practice of hypnosis and other mind/body modalities. In these activities members are to be honest, fair and respectful of others. Members must clarify to relevant parties the roles they are performing and the functions included in those roles. Members are to rely on scientific or professionally derived knowledge when making professional judgments.

Informed Consent

Members are to discuss appropriate issues such as the nature and plan for applied services, fees and confidentiality policies with the client as early in the professional relationship as is reasonably possible under the circumstances. Members shall obtain appropriate “informed consent” for all related activities in language that is clear and understandable by the client.

Fees and Financial Arrangements

All agreements and arrangements as to finances should be reduced to writing as early as is reasonably possible in the professional relationship. Discussion as to fees, terms of payment, length of sessions and cancellation and non-attendance should occur in advance of any services. Members should consult with legal and financial professionals in their particular governmental jurisdiction to assure that their fees and practices are in compliance with all laws, regulations and policies as may apply in that jurisdiction.


Client confidentiality must be observed at all times. All members of the Association maintain strict confidentiality within the client/practitioner relationship consistent with the good care of the client and the laws of the land and ensure that any client notes and records be kept secure and confidential. The only exceptions are: When the client has given their permission to disclose information in writing, where the law requires disclosure, and when discussing information with fellow professionals where anonymity must be guaranteed.

Practitioners must note that the question of confidentiality also applies to client records, computerized records, and any audio or video recording. The member must have the client’s written permission to electronically record them. If the client is a minor a parent or the legal guardian must give written permission. With any information or case histories used for training or commercial purposes the client’s identity must be protected completely.

Consultations and Referrals

Members will arrange for appropriate consultations and referrals based on the best interest of the client, with the appropriate consent and subject to other considerations, which include but are not limited to, applicable laws and contractual obligations. When indicated and professionally appropriate members will cooperate with other professionals in order to serve their client's best interest.

Terminating a Professional Relationship

A practitioner should terminate a professional relationship when it becomes clear that the client no longer needs the service, is no longer benefiting from the service, for reasons of broken rapport or personal or bias or other reasons where the client’s best interest would not be served in continuing the relationship.

Code Of Ethics Rules For Members: Regarding Ethical Business Practices

Plagiarism and Other Work Product Violations

Members will respect the work product of others whether it be that of Association members or if they are non-members. Members will in no way use, print, duplicate, distribute, or in any other way include within their materials the work product of another without that person's written consent and appropriate byline or credit. As well, any quotes from another person's work product are to be given proper credit and byline. Members will never claim the work product of others as being that of their own.

Advertising Protocol

Advertising must be truthful and clear. Any mistakes or inaccuracies must be corrected within 30 days of being brought to the member's attention. Members shall not engage in, support or condone any negative campaigning against any fellow members. Any endorsements used in advertising must have either the endorser’s written consent or remain completely anonymous as to the author of the testimonial.


1. Members shall conduct services in a professional manner at all times whether in the professional setting of their office, in public or in other private settings.

2. Members shall obey all federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the practice of Hypnosis/hypnotherapy.

3. Members are never to promise a cure for any condition or problem, nor give advice or otherwise pass comment on any medical, psychiatric, or psychological problem or condition unless they have training and qualifications in these fields.

4. Members are strongly advised against working with friends or family.

5. Applicants and members are to inform the Association of any disciplinary action taken against them, pending or current by any other professional or judicial body that in any way could possibly reflect negatively on the member or the Association.

6. Members are to inform the Association, in writing, of any change in contact address and/or telephone number, at their earliest convenience.

7. Minors and their parents and/or guardian are to be informed that they have the option for the parent or guardian to accompany the minor at any session if they so choose.

8. Minors must have written permission to be serviced and parental permission to record their sessions.

Note: It is recommended that "all" sessions be recorded and retained for a minimum of 2 years. These recordings are valuable in reviewing your client’s case and can protect you from false allegations.

9. Members will make clear to those they serve that hypnosis is not intended to replace medical treatment.

10. Members will never use their position of trust to exploit the client emotionally, sexually, financially or in any other way whatsoever. Should a sexual relationship develop between the parties, the member must immediately cease to accept fees, terminate services and transfer the client to another suitable practitioner at the earliest opportunity. If a financial relationship (other than the payment of session fees or purchase of books, tapes, or other relevant products), that could possibly become a conflict of interest or shift the balance of power unfairly in the relationship, the member must immediately cease to accept fees, terminate services and transfer the client to another suitable practitioner at the earliest opportunity.

11. Members will not permit considerations and/or bias of religion, nationality, gender, sexual preference, disability, politics, or social standing to adversely influence services. As well members will never attempt to influence or impose their own personal views on any client. Where there is a potential for any of these situations to exist, it is the practitioner’s duty to refer the client to another suitable practitioner.

12. Members shall neither expect nor encourage gifts from clients or their families. Small tokens of appreciation may be accepted but should never be solicited.

13. Members are required to confirm, upon initial application, that they have never been convicted of a felony, a crime of sexual misconduct or any offence likely to bring their professional name or the reputation of the Association into disrepute and inform the Association, in writing, should such an event subsequently occur whilst a member of the Association.

14. Members may not falsify documents for either themselves or others. This includes but is not limited to documents for clients and for students (e.g.: Falsifying documents for CEU's or member instructors falsifying student training hours or credentials). This is strictly forbidden. Falsifying documents may result in revocation of membership.

15. Upon request by the Association, the member will make available all relevant information requested as a result of any investigation by the Association without unreasonable delay.

16. Members are required to report to the Association, any unethical behavior by any other member that can be substantiated.

17. Any member found making false accusations or complaints about another member or a non-member, spreading unsubstantiated rumors that might harm another member or non-member either financially, professionally or personally may be subject to revocation of membership.

Note: From time to time, this document may be updated with additions and/or deletions. The latest copy will be available to all members via our website or through the administrative office. All members accept that this is not a static document and that it may be updated from time to time, by the Association, in accordance with the need to be timely.