BC Chapter Contact: Mary Lynne Fuller
2nd Monday of each month
7 - 9PM
Email: Smile.lynne@shaw.caMembers can register on our new meet-up group using this link http://www.meetup.com/
BCimdha. Register only once to create a profile and RSVP for the following meetings afterward.
Location: 207 14888 104th Avenue, Surrey
Vancouver Island Contact: Brenda Burd & Chrys Tei
1st Friday of each month via ZOOM
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6949577825?pwd=STFueW9JZzIvU0Z1T21xUi9wUEl6dz09Meeting ID: Meeting ID: 694-957-7825 Code: 1234
The first meeting is via ZOOM. Future meetings will be held at the Victoria West Center, 521
Craigflower Rd, Victoria, BC.
Lunch meetings will be brown bag augmented with basic lunch (soup and sandwich w/ coffee and tea). $5-10 meet-up donation to help cover costs.
Email bburdserendipity@gmail.com with questions