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Volunteer at the Conference!

Sign up to volunteer at Hypno Expo 2024 and attend three days of the conference for FREE!
(excluding $59 ticket to Annual Awards Banquet Dinner on Saturday)

What a fantastic opportunity to provide a service to your Association while receiving the benefit of education at the same time… We appreciate your consideration!

The efficiency of the conference depends on reliable volunteers. We are looking for a few select, competent people to offer their services.

The role of a room monitor is critical when organizing an event. The objective is to have the lecture rooms run smoothly and efficiently. Volunteers have the responsibility of several key conference assignments.

Volunteer’s help during lecture sessions by greeting attendees, checking name badges to make sure attendees are registered for the conference, assisting the speaker, and recording attendance numbers. We’ll make sure you are briefed by our Volunteer Coordinator prior to the start of the event.

Room monitors will be assigned to one presentation room, where they will remain for the duration of the day. Volunteers may leave the room after the lecture has started, however they must return to their assigned room prior to the end of the lecture.

Duties may include:

  • Checking badges of those entering your room.
  • Provide evaluation forms to all workshop participants.
  • Collecting workshops tickets and evaluations.
  • Documenting attendance for your assigned room.
  • Ensure the door is closed at the start of the lecture.
  • Attending to the water station as needed.
  • Familiarize yourself with your assigned room presentation lineup.
  • Maintain the presentation schedule by settling the crowd, and prompting the speaker when to begin and end their presentation.
  • Assist with preparing the room for the next presentation.

Each volunteer will be briefed by our Volunteer Coordinator prior to the start of the event. Room monitors are assigned to one presentation room, where they remain for the duration of the day. Volunteers may leave their assigned room when the lecture begins, however they must return prior to the end of the lecture.

Interested? Give Hypnosis Headquarters a call at 570-869-1021 and we'll sign you up!
This offer is limited to the first few members who volunteer, so don't delay and call today!